Factoring vs. Quick Pay: What Is the Difference?

Factoring vs. Quick Pay: What Is the Difference?

When you are just starting out in the trucking business, it can be difficult to determine which connections are worthwhile for success.  Many industry professionals claim they can help you see payments quickly, but are there drawbacks? In this article,...
How to Manage a Trucking Company

How to Manage a Trucking Company

Successfully managing a trucking company takes work. Having a guide to follow can give you more value, from increased profits to enhanced employee retention. Here are a few areas to focus on so you can manage your trucking business operations more effectively.  Laying...
What Is a Notice of Assignment?

What Is a Notice of Assignment?

When you assign your receivables to a factoring company in the trucking industry, you agree that your client payments go directly to the factor. The factor ensures that you are paid for each freight you deliver and on signing, they send your clients a notice of...
Learn the Dangers of Freight Fraud

Learn the Dangers of Freight Fraud

Freight fraud can cause expensive losses and increase your downtime, resulting in less revenue and a halt in your operations. At FactorLoad, we advocate for small to medium-sized trucking companies and can provide client education that helps protect against...
Understanding Your Commercial Truck Insurance Costs

Understanding Your Commercial Truck Insurance Costs

Your trucking insurance protects your assets and impacts your bottom line. Understanding truck insurance rates and how to make your policy work for you can help minimize costs while ensuring you remain protected. Factors Influencing Owner-Operator and Truckers’...