
FactorLoads icon floating right, cut off
What Is a Lumper?

What Is a Lumper?

In the trucking industry, a lumper is an individual who loads or unloads cargo from a truck once it arrives at a warehouse. Freight brokers, carriers, shipping companies or warehouses often use a third party to hire lumpers. Hiring lumpers makes things easier for...

pallet of boxes wrapped going onto a truck

Learn the Dangers of Freight Fraud

Freight fraud can cause expensive losses and increase your downtime, resulting in less revenue and a halt in your operations. At FactorLoad, we advocate for small to medium-sized trucking companies and can provide client education that helps protect...

worker looking at his ipad in front of cargo

Understanding Your Commercial Truck Insurance Costs

Your trucking insurance protects your assets and impacts your bottom line. Understanding truck insurance rates and how to make your policy work for you can help minimize costs while ensuring you remain protected. Factors Influencing Owner-Operator and Truckers'...

a silhouette of a truck driver getting into the cab

A Trucker’s Guide to 24/7 Freight Factoring Service

If you're in the trucking business, there's a good chance you've come across the concept of freight factoring. One of the primary benefits of freight factoring is that it allows you to maximize your operation's cash flow by getting paid immediately, eliminating the...

truck driving on road

Truck Factoring FAQs

Running freight involves keeping track of a lot of logistics. You could want to take advantage of helpful services such as truck factoring to help.  Here are some answers to common questions about trucking factoring.  Factoring Basics FAQs It's important...

man standing in front of his truck smiling

Driver Retention Strategies for Logistics Professionals

Your business spends time and money training new drivers to become the valuable personnel you need. Keeping those experienced drivers on board will help you maintain high productivity and reduce hiring expenses. An investment in driver retention is an investment in...


Questions to ask a Factoring Company

Selecting the right truck factoring partner is critical to your success. Many freight bill factoring companies are run by bankers who factor for a variety of industries. They don’t understand your business as well as a trucking specialist like FactorLoads, who was...


Questions to ask Before Signing a Load Factoring Contract

Don't get roped into a bad deal that could run you out of business. It’s important to do your research before signing a contract with a Factoring Company. The best Factoring Company for you is one that gives you support and freedom with your business choices;...

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to get started with load factoring?